Complete Guide to begin and grow in Data Science

Complete Guide to begin and grow in Data Science

A primer Blog course on Data Science.

It all begins with a small step, So Just Let Go.............

Week 1: Intro to Python and Python Libraries --->

  • Day 0: Install Anaconda .
  • Day 1: Basics of python -> From one of the best Video source for python(videos 1-5) Corey Schafer .
  • Day 2: Intro to Numpy and Pandas -> First follow the same playlist as above(Videos 6-9) and then Numpy && Pandas.
  • Day 3: Getting hands tidy with Numpy -> Follow Playlist Videos 1-20 (Videos 25-33 is also recommended if you have time).
  • Day 4: Intro to Data Visualization ->Data visualization gives us a clear idea of what the information means by giving it visual context through maps or graphs. Matplotlib and Seaborn are widely used for Data Visualization. Let's Explore!
    Matplotlib-Intro, Matplotlib-Refresher, Seaborn , Seaborn-Refresher
  • Day 5: Summarizing Data -> Dealing with large tables of data can be overwhelming! Just observing the rows of tables won't lead us anywhere. But fortunately, we can smartly summarize data via "Number Summaries" (a.ka as Descriptive Statistics).
    Data Types in Stats , Measuring Central Tendency , Box Plot and Outliers .
  • Practice is the key -> Week:1 Assignment -> Try completing w1_ass1 and w1_ass2.

And with that, it's a wrap for Week 1. More coming up in this series.

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